first off, guitar is amazing, and i like the riffs and vocal consepts, I wont bother about talking about whats good, because you slready know
the main issue for me is the crash. I dont like it, i am not sure what it is, i think its something between its delayed attach and its weird frequency change, but it annoys me, you need a different one.
guitar needs stronger high end eqing when there is no vocals, keep song more powerful ingeneral, especially in slow riff trhoguh 3:20
vocasls need more chorus, and a HELL of alot more compression (well, make an exciter, have a second channel for the vocals, have it only eq'd high, and put on rediculous amoounts of compression, it will make the vocals stand out more
um, thats the only issues, I really liked the rest of the drum samples you used, and good job